Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Rough Debate

Anna Castillo

The Washington Post

Rough Debate

                The debate that occurred on October 21st, 2011 between candidates Tina Sanders, and Ray Reid began a bit rough, but as it went on, it began to run smoothly. The candidates were able to touch basis on the sensitive issue of abortion. When asked about the issue of abortion and whether they were for or against abortion, both candidates seemed to agree that they were for abortion. Followed along by them stating the reasons why they are for abortion. Both candidates stated that the reason they are for abortion is for the simple reason that they believe the issue of abortion should be an individual and personal decision taken by the person them self, and  not an issue that should be brought upon the government to decide on for the people. Candidate Tina Sanders stated that maybe the woman wants to get an abortion for the fact that she was raped, and she should be free to make her own decision to do what she wants, and not have the government tell her she can’t do that. They should have no say when it comes to the issue of abortion.  There wasn’t really a debate on the topic since the candidates seemed to agree on why they are for abortion. Regardless, whether there was a strong willed debate on the issue of abortion, it was informative to the citizens and they can make their decision less complicated.

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