Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cut it Out

The Washington Post
By Ernest Hinojosa III
October 5, 2011
 Harry Reid
 In 2009 senator Reid helped pass the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This act consisted of a stimulus package of $787 billion. The purpose of this act was in hopes of a jumpstart for the economy and a creation of jobs. Since the plan has passed in 2009, there hasn't been any major change in terms of the economy and job creation. In fact the United States national dept has continued to rise at $500 billion per year and as of June 2011, the U.S. is now at $1.5 trillion in dept. Job creation isn't looking so great either. Statistics show that that the U.S. unemployment rate is at a high 9.1% with 14 million Americans out of work. In my opinion this seem to be a case of wasteful spending which put a negative impact on the economy and did very little to create jobs.
Bernie Sanders
Like Harry Reid, Senator Sanders also supported the (Recovery Act of 2009). Again this act had a negative effect on job creation and the economy in terms of raising the national dept to $1.5 trillion and high unemployment at 9.1%. Senator Sanders also supports the idea of the $2.5 trillion deficit reduction. This plan calls for $917 billion in cuts over the next 10 years.  On the cutting board: Head Start, school funding, collage grants, nutrition programs for seniors, community health centers, and help for police officers and fire fighters.  Are budget cuts for important public service jobs a good idea? For example, cuts on police officers that keep our streets and most importantly our families safe? In my opinion, I think that major budget cuts can also lead to job cuts which can cause a negative impact on unemployment and the economy.    

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