Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A “Chaotic” Debut Debate

A “Chaotic” Debut Debate
By Melissa Diaz
Washington Post
Published: October 21, 2011

The Congressional race between Tina Sanders and Ray Reid was off to a bad start Friday morning.  In their first debut debate everything seemed to be going wrong. The moderators were so lost, not being able to control the situation. There were many interruptions as candidates had their turn to speak. They veered off topic before issues could be fully discussed. Although there were time limits, some candidates were allowed to talk at length while others were cut off abruptly. Some candidates got to rebut, while others were told that the moderators were moving on to another question. A fair debate would have had the same question directed to each candidate and sticking to the time limits for answering the question and rebuttal. The candidates deserve equal time to explain why their ideas would be the best to correct the ills of this country.
Ray Reid was asked the question pertaining to amending the constitution from illegal immigrants having children in the United States. Reid replied clearly against amending the constitution, he said that as humans we all have unalienable rights. He stated “A US citizen has the same rights as  illegal immigrants in the United States.”  Reid believes the result of amending the constitution will affect many families. Reid suggests we should stop the flow of immigrants into this country, but work with the immigrants that are already in this country. Why do we let immigrants become US-Citizens?  They work a few years, retire collect Social Security and go back to their country. Most Immigrants go back to live or send money to family members from their own country. This is the result of the circulation of American money in another country when Americans need it the most.
Tina Sanders believes that immigrants should not be allowed to have children in the United States. Sanders states” we the American people should not carry the burden of paying taxes.” I totally agree with this. The government is looking for ways to save on expenditures. Therefore, why are we providing free education, with free school breakfasts and lunches to these illegals? Denying them free access to our school systems would save federal, state, and local tax payers millions of dollars as well as making our schools safer for the children of tax payers. If we travel to a foreign country, our children would not be allowed to attend their schools at no cost to the parents. They also, would not provide work materials in English nor would they have bilingual people available to translate for the children or the parents that are not fluent in the language of the foreign country. The cost related to illegal education is diverting too much money from tax paying families.

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