Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Ready, set.... GO!!

The Washington Post
By Melissa Diaz
October 2, 2011

The race for Congress has started. A Press conference was held at the University of Texas at Brownsville, where the candidates were asked about a range of topics from health care to immigration reform. Harry Reid introduced himself as a democrat from Nevada, with humble beginnings in his speech, Reid stated that he is for Immigration reform, but it has now been 10 years — 10 years! — Since President George W. Bush first promised to make immigration reform a priority in Washington.
Bush has come and gone. Congress has tried and failed. A new president has come into office, and also promised and failed.
So, maybe it's time to try a different approach, if only to break the standstill. When pressed on the issue of abortion and religion, Reid could not answer questions on his stance. Reid was asked if he was a Christian, he avoided the subject of religion, by reminding Americans that religion shouldn't be an issue. When running for Public Office you are to disclose some kind of information to the public. Reid seems to be dodging too many questions. Mr. Reid, we need honesty and answers so we can determine your stance on issues that will be voted on!
Tina Sanders is a liberal representing the State of Vermont growing up in middle class America. Sanders emphasized she would fight for the middle class, but what about the lower and higher income Americans that also need representation?  It is time that we get people that run for office and understand that they are being elected, by the AMERICAN Public to work for the AMERICAN Public best interest.  Sanders voted against the Dream Act, and states she needs to revisit the bill to get better understanding. So she doesn’t know how to read?? The DREAM ACT is a law that would provide a measure of help to those who serve in the military or attend college and aspire to work legally. That bill would allow immigrants who are already here to legalize their status if they agree to pay a fine and continue to work in the fields for at least three years. Maybe this will give Ms. Sanders some insight on the issue. Sanders seemed unprepared and nervous with the media; the spotlight is yours, so enjoy it.
This race is quite interesting. I am anxious to see what lies ahead since these candidates seem to be lacking confidence and need to do their homework on issues that matter to Americans. We shall see what is to come in the next couple of weeks. We need to emphasize on issues that matter to the people they will be representing.

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