Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Second Chance

Ernest Hinojosa III
Bernie Sanders: On Tuesday October 11, the senate voted down the $447 billon Jobs Bill. The plan was delayed by a vote of 46 republicans and 2 democrats. The Jobs Bill was supported by President Obama, Senator Reid, and other democrats in congress. The plan consisted of social security payroll tax cuts for workers and businesses and other tax relief totaling about $270 billion. Another $175 billion was to be spent on roads, school repairs, and other infrastructure. A tax surcharge on billionaires and millionaires was to be included. To me this plan was just another idea for the government to wastefully spend more money. Sure the plans idea was to help create jobs, but it would have only created temporary jobs. Once projects on roads, bridges, and infrastructure are completed, workers are out of work and back to the unemployment line.
Harry Reid: Like Senator Sanders, Senator Reid was in favor of the Jobs Act. According to the plan, $175 billion was to be spent on roads, bridges, and infrastructure. To me this idea will only create temporary jobs. Once projects on roads, bridges, and infrastructure are complete, workers are back to the unemployment line. Part of the plan consisted of a surcharge on billionaires and millionaires. Are tax increases on the wealthy a great idea? In my opinion, I think that over taxing the wealthy, prevents wealthy business owners from wanting to invest and expand their businesses in America. To me this is what helps create Permanent and stable jobs which will help stimulate the economy. 

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