Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Talk about the Wrong Stuff

The Washington Post
By Arturo C. Aguilar
October 5th, 2011

Brownsville, TX- Wow! Talk about the wrong stuff. Both Reid and Sanders are most definitely oblivious to issues which Americans really want to hear. Reid seems to think that Americans will vote for him because he had a rough start as a kid and Sanders, well, Sanders doesn’t know what to say.

Reid stated that his wife was more intelligent than he was and went on praising her in his speech, so does that mean that perhaps she should be running for office instead of him???
In addition to that, Reid doesn’t seem to understand the syntax and rhetoric of the English language. Usually when someone asks you a question, you answer the question with an answer, not another question. Reid mentioned the word “Lord” in his speech, making clear references to the Christianity but did not answer whether or not he was a Christian himself.

On the other hand, Sanders does not seem to like the camera, I mean she did know that the press was going to be at the conference right? Isn’t that right written somewhere??? Oh yeah, the first Amendment of the US Constitution!
Not only did sanders trip out on my camera but she seemed way to shaky, gee whiz, perhaps she needed a tranquilizer to relax her just a bit.
She nearly shot herself in the foot with answering “yes” that she was for abortion. (She has 3 kids by the way)

Both candidates lacked preparation and seemed unclear on their responses.

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