Wednesday, October 12, 2011

No Info...

Karla Martinez
October 4th 2011
The Washington Post

Candidates Ray Reid and Tina Sanders are both very well qualified for the position, but I believe that in this past press conference they lacked preparation. They both failed to answer some of the questions over other various important topics. Both candidates seemed to give the run around when asked about any delicate subject. They gave were unclear about gay-marriage.  This topic is a very sensitive subject in congress at the moment. Not to mention it is a very big issue, it separates some of the people. I think that, whether or not they are for or against same sex marriage that can be what makes them or breaks them. They should put their stance on that topic in their websites along with all the other topics that they are informing the people where they stand according to the issue.  During the press conference it also seemed that the candidates did not appreciate the media video taping and I find that very odd, because the media helps so much with catching the voters’ attention. I believe that they should be a bit more prepared for the next press conference and talk about many more issues than what they have sited on their website, that are as well very important issues going on in the society today. Both candidates did well on their first press conference; they just need to be a bit more prepared. They should also be clear with their responses when asked a question instead of answering with very vague responses. Other than that you can go get more info from their websites.

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