Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hot Topics

Melissa Diaz
The Washington Post
October 11th 2011 

The congressional election is quickly approaching. Candidates Ray Reid and Tina Sanders were at the University of Texas in Brownville in a press conference held Friday morning. Sanders tackled the topic of gay marriage; she believes that she is not someone to judge whom marries whom. The legalization of gay marriage is a topic that is not going away any time soon. As in any emotionally charged issue, one can only hope that it comes to a definitive resolution without anyone being hurt.
On the issue of abortion, Sanders states she is Pro-Abortion and will help fund programs that need assistance on abortion issues. However, the problem with this is that the centers that receive the funding portray themselves as nonpartisan health and counseling clinics. In fact, they oppose abortion and sometimes even family planning. These Centers tend to push a political agenda on vulnerable women. A Congressional investigation in 2006 found that 87 percent of the centers surveyed provided false or misleading medical information. Nonetheless, the government has given over $9.3 million in grants to these centers since 2007; most of them were under the Bush administration. If you truly want to support women, you should focus on transparent, nonpartisan, fact-based education for those who are facing what is likely to be the most difficult decision of their lives.

Ray Reid appears to have a hard time with information that does not fit his view of the World. It is a tough reality that America is facing. Determining which policies to follow is one reason why we vote. Candidates for better or worse must discuss national issues in the context of state and local concerns. Reporters are trying to capture the tone and content of Reid’s campaign, but he seems to be avoiding questions and not addressing policy details. Political issues, leaders, institutions and events are what serve as a political basis of support for leadership position you are applying for.

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