Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What do you think?

Published: October 31, 2011 1:45 PM
by Melissa Diaz

In the latest polls conducted by the Washington Post, American citizens between the ages of 18-35 were asked as series of questions regarding political issues affecting the country. A group of 20 people were asked the following questions and the results are as followed:

1: Should children of illegal immigrants who are born in the United States have the right of citizenship?
2. The violence in Mexico has been escalating in the past 5 years, should the US Government provide asylum for Mexican illegals?
3. Do you think the children of illegal immigrants deserve the right to free education?
4. Do you believe sex education should be mandatory in the schools?
5. Just recently The Teachers and First Responders Back to Work Act, was blocked by republicans. This bill is believed to have created or saved about 400,000 jobs for teachers, police, and first responders. If passed, the bill would have cost the government $35billion dollars. To pay for the bill, the government was planning to increase taxes for anyone making $1,000,000 or more by 0.5%. Do you think it was wrong for republicans to block this act?
6. In 2009 The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act were passed. This act consisted of a stimulus package which cost the government $787 billion. The purpose of this act was for the creation of jobs, to stimulate the economy, and to prevent the country from falling in to a possible depression. Since the bill was passed, America is now at $1.5 trillion in debt and unemployment is at a high at 9.1% with about 14 million Americans out of work. Do you think that this bill was a good decision for the government to pass?
7. Different states have different standards; do you believe that states should have the power to recognize homosexual marriage or should the federal government take prerogative?
8. Do you believe same sex marriage couples should be able to adopt children?
9. What is your opinion about, abortion?
10. Do you think the government should have a say to make abortion legal?
11. Should it be required to have a sonogram done before an abortion?

1 comment:

  1. ok, so what does this mean? Where is your report/ article on the results? You only turned in results but no comments on them. Reporters report on the results.
