Monday, November 21, 2011

No endorsement in Congressional Race

Melissa Diaz
The Washington Post
Monday, November 20th, 2011

The constituents are left with a deep unsatisfying choice for the U.S. Congress race this year.  Tina Sanders, the liberal, has failed to distinguish herself during the past debates. Candidate Sanders appears not to have given much thought to the range of important social issues America is facing. There is no reason to believe that a six-year term would bring anything but more of the same uninspired representation. Harry Reid, a Democrat, has campaigned with vigor and directness that suggests he could be effective in Washington - but his agenda undermines this nation's need to move forward on addressing serious issues such as health care and immigration. The Washington Post believes this district deserves more than the usual party cliché response on serious issues. They deserve a Congressperson who is accessible, effective and willing and able to reach across party lines to achieve progress on the great issues of our times. Both candidates fall short on these counts. The district hasn't had a competitive race this year, so voters here wouldn't know what to do if a candidate actually tried to speak and reach out to their daily lives.
It is extremely rare that this article would offer no recommendation
 on the race, particularly one of this importance. This is one necessary exception.

No endorsement in Congressional Race

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