Monday, November 21, 2011

Editorial Endorsement

Ernest Hinojosa
                                                             Editorial Endorsement
    The political campaign between Tina Sanders and Rey Reid has thus so far been very interesting. The debates between the two candidates have had their ups and downs at certain points over the last several months. As a reporter for the Washington Post, the main focus of my memos has been based on the current issues of the economy. Both candidates expressed their opinions over certain topics of the economy well but sometimes would spin on certain questions that I asked. My editorial endorsement is in favor of Senator Bernie Sanders based on certain political facts.
    The fact Senator Tina Sanders opposed of the American Recovery Act of 2009, gives me the enough support to favor her as the stronger candidate for Congresswoman. Senator Rey Reid was in favor of the American Recovery Act of 2009. This act was based on $787 billion dollar stimulus package to bail out failed corporations due to the economic collapse. This act did contribute to America being in $1.5 trillion in debt and a high unemployment rate at 9.1%.
      With this being said my editorial endorsement favors Senator Tina Sanders. Senator Sanders would represent America well in the fact that her economical policies will help contribute in getting America’s economy back in shape. America does not need a Congressman whose policies would contribute to more wasteful spending and driving this country into a further economic crisis. This is why I endorse Senator Tina Sanders. 

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