Wednesday, November 2, 2011


  Enrnie Hinojosa
November 2nd, 2011

 Just recently I did a poll on some questions based on the economy. I interviewed 10 people and asked them what their opinion was on two economical topics. Their response was to either strongly agree, agree, stay neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree.  The first question I asked was on the Teachers and First Responders Back To Work Act and the second was on the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Every person I interviewed had a different response based on their own political points of view.
    The first question: Just recently The Teachers and First Responders Back to Work Act , was blocked by republicans. This bill is believed to have created or saved about 400,000 jobs for teachers, police, and first responders. If passed, the bill would have cost the government $35billion dollars. To pay for the bill, the government was planning to increase taxes for anyone making $1,000,000 or more by 0.5%. Do you think it was wrong for republicans to block this act ? Of the 10 people I interviewed 3 strongly agreed, 1 agreed, 1 was neutral, 1 disagreed, and 4 strongly disagreed.
     The second question? In 2009 The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was passed. This act consisted of a stimulus package which cost the government $787 billion. The purpose of this act was for the creation of jobs, to stimulate the economy, and to prevent the country from falling in to a possible depression. Since the bill was passed, America is now at $1.5 trillion in debt and unemployment is at a high at 9.1% with about 14 million Americans out of work. Do you think that this bill was a good decision for the government to pass? Of the same 10 people 3 were neutral, 3 disagreed, and 4 strongly disagreed.
   In conclusion , It shows that more than half of the people disagreed with the first question I asked. On the second question 3 stayed neutral on the issue and 7 disagreed with it. This shows that these issues I just asked questions on, can be very opinionated based a person’s political points of view on certain issues of the economy.


1 comment:

  1. Fine, however what does it mean to have 2 people agree, and 3 people say they disagree on a particular issue? Remember reporters report, do some analysis on these results.
