Monday, November 21, 2011

No endorsement in Congressional Race

Melissa Diaz
The Washington Post
Monday, November 20th, 2011

The constituents are left with a deep unsatisfying choice for the U.S. Congress race this year.  Tina Sanders, the liberal, has failed to distinguish herself during the past debates. Candidate Sanders appears not to have given much thought to the range of important social issues America is facing. There is no reason to believe that a six-year term would bring anything but more of the same uninspired representation. Harry Reid, a Democrat, has campaigned with vigor and directness that suggests he could be effective in Washington - but his agenda undermines this nation's need to move forward on addressing serious issues such as health care and immigration. The Washington Post believes this district deserves more than the usual party cliché response on serious issues. They deserve a Congressperson who is accessible, effective and willing and able to reach across party lines to achieve progress on the great issues of our times. Both candidates fall short on these counts. The district hasn't had a competitive race this year, so voters here wouldn't know what to do if a candidate actually tried to speak and reach out to their daily lives.
It is extremely rare that this article would offer no recommendation
 on the race, particularly one of this importance. This is one necessary exception.

No endorsement in Congressional Race

Editorial Endorsement

Ernest Hinojosa
                                                             Editorial Endorsement
    The political campaign between Tina Sanders and Rey Reid has thus so far been very interesting. The debates between the two candidates have had their ups and downs at certain points over the last several months. As a reporter for the Washington Post, the main focus of my memos has been based on the current issues of the economy. Both candidates expressed their opinions over certain topics of the economy well but sometimes would spin on certain questions that I asked. My editorial endorsement is in favor of Senator Bernie Sanders based on certain political facts.
    The fact Senator Tina Sanders opposed of the American Recovery Act of 2009, gives me the enough support to favor her as the stronger candidate for Congresswoman. Senator Rey Reid was in favor of the American Recovery Act of 2009. This act was based on $787 billion dollar stimulus package to bail out failed corporations due to the economic collapse. This act did contribute to America being in $1.5 trillion in debt and a high unemployment rate at 9.1%.
      With this being said my editorial endorsement favors Senator Tina Sanders. Senator Sanders would represent America well in the fact that her economical policies will help contribute in getting America’s economy back in shape. America does not need a Congressman whose policies would contribute to more wasteful spending and driving this country into a further economic crisis. This is why I endorse Senator Tina Sanders. 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Washington Post's Endorsement

Hello America! First you must all know that the campaign between candidate Sanders and candidate Reid has been going good for the past two weeks. However, The Washington Post has decided not to endorse any candidates, because there has been a lack of clarification on key issues. We as a staff do not see any of these candidates professionally fit for office, because we have seen a lot of shakiness between their views and their leadership.

Over the fast couple months we, as a staff, have observed the highs and lows of both Reid’s campaign and Sanders’ campaign. We admit that there have been many more lows and blows than there have been high fives. In last week’s speech presentation by both candidates, I witnessed a constant use of utterances and hesitation from candidate Sanders. We think articulation and cohesive sentences make a better congress person to represent a district. In addition to that, candidate Reid focused on using reprisal as a humiliation method to attack candidate Sanders. The confidence of candidate Sanders is small and lacking and still I have yet to see any progress and good performance from her. Candidate Reid rather uses his speeches to leave media questions for the most part unanswered. We have concluded that these two candidates are not prepared to lead a district in congress. Frankly, they both seem to be lacking vital information about how the economy works and what powers the institution of the Congress may utilize. For an example, Tina Sanders and her campaign were under the impression that the Federal Reserve controlled the right to create laws that tax big corporations. On the other hand, Rey Reid does not know what Posse Comitatus is and thinks that sending Army troops to the border will help solve the border violence issue. Again, these are only a few examples as to why we feel hesitant about choosing someone to endorse.         
For the most part, and the most important, the candidates have left key controversial questions unanswered. This has been very frustrating to the Washington Post and has frustrated you all as well. It is difficult to derive an answer when a candidate rather deviates from a question that is posed and then goes on to a topic that does not have much relevance to the question.
The Washington Post…

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Poll it

Eduardo Aguirre
Wednesday, November 02, 2011

The following poll was taken at UT Brownsville.
Question 1: 7 are strongly agree, 2 neutral and 1 disagree
Question 2: 6 disagree, 4 strongly disagree
Question 3: 9 strongly agree and 1 neutral
Question 4: 5 agree, 2 neutral and 3 disagree
Question 5: 3 agree, 3 neutral and 4 disagree
Question 6: 4 agree, 1 neutral and 5 disagree
Question 7: 2 agree, 5 neutral and 3 strongly disagree
Question 8: 7 strongly disagree, 2 neutral and 1 agree
Question 9: 6 strongly disagree, 3 disagree and 1 neutral
Question 10: 4 agree, 3 neutral and 3 disagree
Question 11: 8 agree 2 neutral          

Campus Survey

Anna Castillo
Wednesday, November 02, 2011

I asked the following 11 questions to 10 different students on campus, and I got the following resilts.
1: Should children of illegal immigrants who are born in the United States have the right of citizenship? (Strongly Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Strongly Agree (1), Agree (2), Disagree (2))
2. The violence in Mexico has been escalating in the past 5 years, should the US Government provide asylum for Mexican illegal? (Strongly Disagree (2), Neutral (4), Strongly Agree (0), Agree (3), Disagree (1))
3. Do you think the children of illegal immigrants deserve the right to free education? (Strongly Disagree (0), Neutral (3), Strongly Agree (4), Agree (2), Disagree (1))
4. Do you believe sex education should be mandatory in the schools? (Strongly Disagree (1), Neutral (2), Strongly Agree (0), Agree (3), Disagree (4))
5. Just recently The Teachers and First Responders Back to Work Act , was blocked by republicans. This bill is believed to have created or saved about 400,000 jobs for teachers, police, and first responders. If passed, the bill would have cost the government $35billion dollars. To pay for the bill, the government was planning to increase taxes for anyone making $1,000,000 or more by 0.5%. Do you think it was wrong for republicans to block this act? (Strongly Disagree (5), Neutral (0), Strongly Agree (1), Agree (2), Disagree (4))
6. In 2009 The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act were passed. This act consisted of a stimulus package which cost the government $787 billion. The purpose of this act was for the creation of jobs, to stimulate the economy, and to prevent the country from falling in to a possible depression. Since the bill was passed, America is now at $1.5 trillion in debt and unemployment is at a high at 9.1% with about 14 million Americans out of work. Do you think that this bill was a good decision for the government to pass? (Strongly Disagree (4), Neutral (0), Strongly Agree (1), Agree (2), Disagree (3))
7. Different states have different standards; do you believe that states should have the power to recognize homosexual marriage or should the federal government take prerogative? (Strongly Disagree (5), Neutral (0), Strongly Agree (0), Agree (1), Disagree (4))
8. Do you believe same sex marriage couples should be able to adopt children? (Strongly Disagree (0), Neutral (6), Strongly Agree (0), Agree (2), Disagree (2))
9. What is your opinion about, abortion? (Strongly Disagree (1), Neutral (2), Strongly Agree (2), Agree (1), Disagree (4))
10. Do you think the government should have a say to make abortion legal? (Strongly Disagree (2), Neutral (0), Strongly Agree (4), Agree (1), Disagree (3))
11. Should it be required to have a sonogram done before an abortion? (Strongly Disagree (1), Neutral (2), Strongly Agree (3), Agree (4), Disagree (0))

10 people

Karla Martinez
Wednesday, November 02, 2011

I asked the questions to only ten people. And I got the following responses from the people that I asked. And here they are:
1: Should children of illegal immigrants who are born in the United States have the right of citizenship? (Strongly Agree (1), Agree (2), Neutral (0), Strongly Disagree (4), Disagree (3))
2. The violence in Mexico has been escalating in the past 5 years, should the US Government provide asylum for Mexican illegal? (Strongly agree (0), Agree (1), Neutral (0), Strongly Disagree (5), Disagree (4))
3. Do you think the children of illegal immigrants deserve the right to free education? (Strongly agree (1), Agree (2), Neutral (3), Strongly Disagree (2), Disagree (2))
4. Do you believe sex education should be mandatory in the schools? (Strongly agree (0), Agree (3), Neutral (4), Strongly Disagree (2), Disagree (1))
5. Just recently The Teachers and First Responders Back to Work Act, was blocked by republicans. This bill is believed to have created or saved about 400,000 jobs for teachers, police, and first responders. If passed, the bill would have cost the government $35billion dollars. To pay for the bill, the government was planning to increase taxes for anyone making $1,000,000 or more by 0.5%. Do you think it was wrong for republicans to block this act? (Strongly Agree (4), Agree (2), Neutral (3), Strongly Disagree (0), Disagree (1))
6. In 2009 The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act were passed. This act consisted of a stimulus package which cost the government $787 billion. The purpose of this act was for the creation of jobs, to stimulate the economy, and to prevent the country from falling in to a possible depression. Since the bill was passed, America is now at $1.5 trillion in debt and unemployment is at a high at 9.1% with about 14 million Americans out of work. Do you think that this bill was a good decision for the government to pass? (Strongly Agree (0), Agree (2), Neutral (6), Strongly Disagree (0), Disagree (2))
7. Different states have different standards; do you believe that states should have the power to recognize homosexual marriage or should the federal government take prerogative? (Strongly Agree (0), Agree (3), Neutral (2), Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (4))
8. Do you believe same sex marriage couples should be able to adopt children? (Strongly Agree (2), Agree (1), Neutral (2), Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (4))
9. What is your opinion about, abortion? (Strongly Agree (0), Agree (2), Neutral (0), Strongly Disagree (5), Disagree (3))
10. Do you think the government should have a say to make abortion legal? (Strongly Agree (3), Agree (4), Neutral (2), Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (0))
11. Should it be required to have a sonogram done before an abortion? (Strongly Agree (4), Agree (1), Neutral (0), Strongly Disagree (2), Disagree (3))


  Enrnie Hinojosa
November 2nd, 2011

 Just recently I did a poll on some questions based on the economy. I interviewed 10 people and asked them what their opinion was on two economical topics. Their response was to either strongly agree, agree, stay neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree.  The first question I asked was on the Teachers and First Responders Back To Work Act and the second was on the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Every person I interviewed had a different response based on their own political points of view.
    The first question: Just recently The Teachers and First Responders Back to Work Act , was blocked by republicans. This bill is believed to have created or saved about 400,000 jobs for teachers, police, and first responders. If passed, the bill would have cost the government $35billion dollars. To pay for the bill, the government was planning to increase taxes for anyone making $1,000,000 or more by 0.5%. Do you think it was wrong for republicans to block this act ? Of the 10 people I interviewed 3 strongly agreed, 1 agreed, 1 was neutral, 1 disagreed, and 4 strongly disagreed.
     The second question? In 2009 The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was passed. This act consisted of a stimulus package which cost the government $787 billion. The purpose of this act was for the creation of jobs, to stimulate the economy, and to prevent the country from falling in to a possible depression. Since the bill was passed, America is now at $1.5 trillion in debt and unemployment is at a high at 9.1% with about 14 million Americans out of work. Do you think that this bill was a good decision for the government to pass? Of the same 10 people 3 were neutral, 3 disagreed, and 4 strongly disagreed.
   In conclusion , It shows that more than half of the people disagreed with the first question I asked. On the second question 3 stayed neutral on the issue and 7 disagreed with it. This shows that these issues I just asked questions on, can be very opinionated based a person’s political points of view on certain issues of the economy.


What do you think?

Published: October 31, 2011 1:45 PM
by Melissa Diaz

In the latest polls conducted by the Washington Post, American citizens between the ages of 18-35 were asked as series of questions regarding political issues affecting the country. A group of 20 people were asked the following questions and the results are as followed:

1: Should children of illegal immigrants who are born in the United States have the right of citizenship?
2. The violence in Mexico has been escalating in the past 5 years, should the US Government provide asylum for Mexican illegals?
3. Do you think the children of illegal immigrants deserve the right to free education?
4. Do you believe sex education should be mandatory in the schools?
5. Just recently The Teachers and First Responders Back to Work Act, was blocked by republicans. This bill is believed to have created or saved about 400,000 jobs for teachers, police, and first responders. If passed, the bill would have cost the government $35billion dollars. To pay for the bill, the government was planning to increase taxes for anyone making $1,000,000 or more by 0.5%. Do you think it was wrong for republicans to block this act?
6. In 2009 The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act were passed. This act consisted of a stimulus package which cost the government $787 billion. The purpose of this act was for the creation of jobs, to stimulate the economy, and to prevent the country from falling in to a possible depression. Since the bill was passed, America is now at $1.5 trillion in debt and unemployment is at a high at 9.1% with about 14 million Americans out of work. Do you think that this bill was a good decision for the government to pass?
7. Different states have different standards; do you believe that states should have the power to recognize homosexual marriage or should the federal government take prerogative?
8. Do you believe same sex marriage couples should be able to adopt children?
9. What is your opinion about, abortion?
10. Do you think the government should have a say to make abortion legal?
11. Should it be required to have a sonogram done before an abortion?